Born in 1980, the young Japanese artist Sakae Ozawa invents a gracious world full of magic and wonderment. In this new work, first initiated in the universities of Kyoto and Vienna, she mixes the Japanese Manga universe and Western culture with elegance and virtuosity. Nourished simultaneously by her origins, her studies and her travels, she creates works where the lightness and purity of the themes are combined with exhilarating movement. Here, everything is mingled together and interwoven. Characters, young girls, children, cats and every kind of animal loom out of a forest, a jungle or some marvelous ocean; a feast for the eye where it can lose itself in reverie and contemplation. An entanglement of joyful visions teaming with extravagant details. The subject is extremely dense yet perfectly mastered. The brushstroke can be gentle and tender just as it can handle the material in an impulsive and violent way. Sakae Ozawa’s endless palette of colors delivers forms being worked and reworked in a succession of strokes, each one more refined and delicate than the other. In this way, the young artist creates a multitude of modern-day fairytales from sketches or phrases picked out of books. And offers the eye works in the form of a maiden voyage of initiation.
- Weltraumfarbenchem, 2007
- Zeitgenöschische, 2008
- Faible fièvre, 2012
- Bienvenue au centre, 2011
- 0,5 sekunden auf einen planet, 2007
- Sans titre, 2012
- Sans titre, 2012
- 0,5 sekunden auf einen planet, 2011
- Cardamom of April, 2011
- The wood of this star, 2016
- Bring the night, 2016
- Ganymède, 2011
- Je savais qu’on ne pourrait plus revenir, 2007
- Change of Heart, 2012
Solo exhibitions
“Sakae Ozawa”, VOLTA NY, New York, Mori Yu Gallery & Galerie Louis Gendre. Press Release
“The Earth Where We Were ” Mori Yu Gallery, Kyoto
“Sakae Ozawa original painting exhibition ” book gallery popotam,Tokyo
“Kazushi Hosaka & Sakae Ozawa, original painting exhibition ” Parabolica-bis,Tokyo
“Sakae Ozawa “Princess with the star”, original painting exhibition “, Sunday, Tokyo
“Empty forest”, Mori Yu Gallery Tokyo,Tokyo
“Orchestra Under the Water”, Mori Yu Gallery Kyoto, Kyoto
“0.5 Sekunden auf einen Planet”, Mori Yu Gallery Tokyo, Tokyo
“A Song of Lemon”Amellia Johnson Contemporary, Hong Kong
“The Subtropic Theatre”, Mori Yu Gallery Tokyo, Tokyo
“Perlenpoesie”, Mori Yu Gallery Kyot, Kyoto
“Broken Fantasy”, Gallery J. Chen, Taiwan
“Weltraumfarbenchemie”, Mori Yu Gallery Tokyo, Tokyo
“And I’m in Fog”, Mori Yu Gallery Kyoto , Kyoto
“Oh! Mountain”, Gallery Coco, Kyoto
Group exhibitions
“Fieldwork from periphery”, Kyoto University of Arts and Design Galerie Aube, Kyoto
“Sakae Ozawa + Ryuichiro Ando”, Mori Yu Gallery Kyoto, Kyoto
“Collection”, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
“Never ending construction”, Aki Gallery, Taiwan
“Near of Far-Group Exhibition of Asian Young Artists”, Line Gallery, Beijing
“Undulationism “, Mori Yu Gallery Kyoto, Kyoto
“VOCA 2011 – Artists on New Plain- “, The Ueno Royal Museum,Tokyo
“Mori Yu artists Drawing”, Mori Yu Gallery Tokyo,Tokyo
“Garden of Painting -Japanese Art of the 00’s”, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
“Bleu Garden”, Mori Yu Gallery Toky, Tokyo
“Before the Dawn”, Mori Yu Gallery Tokyo, Tokyo
“Hyakka kyo ran”, Mori Yu Gallery Kyoto, Kyoto
“Bunkamura Art Show 2007”, Bunkamura Gallery, Tokyo
August “zimmer.kueche.kabinett. vol.1~5”, Wien
“Sh Contemporary 08 – Best of Discovery -“, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai
Public Collection
The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Pigozzi Collection , Takahashi Collection
The Incentive Award of Kyoto-fu cultural prize 2014.
The Incentive Award of Kouji Kinutani 2010.